The Silver Lining
Whilst these certainly continue to be difficult times for us all, I would like to take my own advice and practice some brief moments of gratitude, so let’s look at some of the silver linings.
The picture of a stag above was painted by my father-in-law following a sighting on one of their recent walks. These deer used to be commonly seen in the New Forest area of Hampshire County in Southern England, however, recent increases in human traffic have driven them further into the woods and spotting them has become increasingly rare until COVID-19 restrictions were implemented that is. As I am sure many of you have heard, similar wildlife benefits have been seen in Venice, where shoals of fish can be seen in the canals and in Thailand, where Leatherback turtles are returning to abandoned beaches in record numbers.
As an increased number of us have been forced to work from home, we are re-discovering simple pleasures such as baking bread. Friends, who as busy professionals, have not previously considered this option, are reaching out to me for recipes and guidance as they learn to bake from scratch. Others meanwhile have discovered the joy of connecting with neighbours and community members to exchange seeds or to purchase local eggs and preserves in an effort to limit going to the grocery store.
So whilst we continue to struggle through these changing times, let’s take a moment to focus on some of the good that is happening. The positives will never negate the hardship our friends, families and communities are experiencing, but perhaps they can at least serve to soften the blow.
Please take care of each other and try to find a silver lining.
Your friends at the Kawartha North FHT
Posted by Editor on May 1st, 2020 1:10 pm
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What are you missing?

As I talk with friends and family, remotely of course, it is interesting to hear what it is people miss the most during these strange times. Of course I often hear they “miss personal contact, visiting grandchildren, going to the office”, all of which are expected. What I find more interesting are the small things people miss and the most intriguing are the things they never thought they would miss!
A friend who lives in a city condo noted that he misses the sounds. He cannot go out easily as his area is very crowded and whilst he is extremely connected through technology, he commented that he misses sounds – birds, background noise, even the traffic. To each their own, I can’t imagine ever missing traffic.
Personally, I have come to miss my Saturday morning chores, who would have thought? My routine has been to go to the dump as we don’t have garbage pickup, go to the grocery store and then have a poke around Canadian Tire. Fairly mundane at best and downright annoying during a busy week, and yet, it’s what I miss the most.
One friend who is extremely sociable with more activities in a week than I have in a year, misses going out for breakfast, but has not missed the social interactions; while another who never socializes commented she misses interacting with people. I guess the old adages are true – “Absence makes the heart grow fonder” and we “don’t know what we have until it’s gone”.
So while it may be a challenge, take a moment to reflect on what it is you miss most and remember to truly appreciate those moments when you are once again able to participate in them, even if they are mundane. And until that time comes, try to reflect on something you continue to be grateful for each and every day. Practicing gratitude allows us to shift our perspective and has positive impacts on both our mood and mental health.
So take care and try to count your blessings, even if they may be hard to see right now.
Your friends at the Kawartha North FHT
Posted by Editor on Apr 17th, 2020 12:28 pm
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Staying connected in difficult times….
Well, we are three weeks into the current measures and, speaking personally, every day continues to feel new and strange.
I hope that whilst you continue to practice physical social-distancing to reduce the spread, you are able to remain in contact with loved ones and take this opportunity to reach out to someone who may need someone to check on them. We may not be able to go visit, but that certainly does not mean that we should not practice random acts of kindness or reach out to those who are struggling during this difficult time. This is particularly true for all of our friends and neighbours who live and work at Pinecrest or have loved ones residing there. Our hearts go out to them all along with our appreciation to those who continue to provide the needed care to the residents. If you do have loved ones in a long term care facility or staying in hospital at this time, remember that many institutions have virtual greeting options, so reach out to see whether you can send your best wishes electronically or set up a virtual visit.
Locally, service providers continue to offer many of the services you have grown accustomed to, but of course some have been suspended or altered during this Pandemic, so remember to check before heading out.
For Kawartha North:
• We will not be offering walk in clinic services until May 5th at the earliest,
• Our Bobcaygeon lab is only open on Tuesdays at this time and only to offer repeat tests such as INRs which are booked by appointment,
• We have had to lock our doors to walk in patients, however, rest assured we are open for telephone inquiries and booked appointments, and
• We are using additional precautions to protect you and our staff at this time so if you are attending an appointment, please follows the instructions.
We hope to know within the coming weeks whether these current measures have been effective in limiting the spread, but in the mean time continue to practice frequent and thorough handwashing for at least 20 seconds, cough and sneeze into your elbow or tissues and maintain 6 feet of distance.
If you do require additional information, please visit our website at or go to
We will try our very best to continue to support you at this difficult time and please remember to take care of yourselves and your loved ones.
Your friends at the Kawartha North FHT
Posted by Editor on Apr 3rd, 2020 6:58 am
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NO! Not more about the Coronavirus….
I have no doubt that you are just about ready to never hear the words Coronavirus or COVID-19 again, I know I am! Unfortunately these are difficult and unprecedented times and ignoring the facts will not help anyone. Of course there is so much information and it changes so rapidly, that it can be difficult to find out what the facts actually are. Well at time of writing this is what we know and what it may mean for you.
- COVID-19 continues to spread and we have had reported cases in the HKPR district (Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge) including one presenting at the Ross Memorial Hospital.
- Whilst any number of precautions may be helpful, first and foremost continue to avoid crowds and public spaces, maintain at least six feet between yourself and others, cover your mouth and nose when sneezing and wash, wash, wash!
- If you are returning from out of country, self-isolate for 14 days.
- Should you develop symptoms, DO NOT go to your doctor, Nurse Practitioner or the walk-in clinic. Instead
- Complete the COVID-19 Self-Assessment at
- If indicated by the self-assessment results, contact Telehealth at 1-866-797-0000 or the HKPR District Health Unit ( at 1-866-888-4577 ext. 5020.
- If symptoms are severe, please call 911 and alert the dispatcher to your travel history and symptoms.
- Starting Wednesday, March 18, the RMH COVID-19 Assessment Centre can be reached at 705-328-6217. The hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 8a.m.-4p.m.
- Avoid unnecessary healthcare visits and if you do need to come see your primary care provider, please call ahead so that we may screen you to ensure the safety of our staff and other patients.
- As we are unable to effectively screen at our walk-in clinics, we have chosen to suspend services until at least April 14th.
- To adequately screen before you come in for bloodwork, we will ONLY be seeing Kawartha North FHT patients in our Bobcaygeon location at 100 East St. S.; you must call to book an appointment ahead of time. All City of Kawartha Lakes FHT patients should access lab services at the Fenelon Falls location at 205 Francis St.
- We have posted links to additional information and resources on our website at
- If someone in your house is under investigation for COVID-19 or has tested positive, remember to use standard precautions and to avoid sharing household items such as dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels or bedding . Laundry may be washed together, but you should wear gloves whilst handling soiled items.
- Clean regularly touched surfaces such as toilets, sink tap handles, doorknobs and light switches with disinfectants such as a solution of 1 cup bleach per 1 gallon of water.
- Be cautious when emptying wastebaskets and the like to avoid touching used tissues.
We will try our very best to continue to support you at this difficult time and please remember to take care of yourselves and your loved ones.
Your friends at the Kawartha North FHT
Posted by Editor on Mar 20th, 2020 9:07 am
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Enjoying winter?
In 2008, Ontario chose to implement Family Day to be observed on the third Monday in February. Whilst some skeptics considered its implementation a political tactic used to win votes, many saw it as an opportunity to break up a difficult time of the year in our Province.
Regardless of whether you like winter or not, most of us agree that by the middle of February, spring would be welcomed. In fact, while January is considered the most depressing month of the year, I think it is not difficult to argue that February may be a close second. Snow has often lost its appeal, both literally and figuratively and no one is looking forward to another shortened gray day. The only welcome interruption prior to 2008 may have been Valentine’s Day, and that is of course dependent on having a special person or persons to share it with. So I for one welcome Family Day, not only as a day off, but as a much needed reminder of the beauty to be found and experienced in our wonderful and vast Province.
If you truly took advantage of the day and utilized it as intended, you spent this past Monday with family and friends experiencing the beautiful outdoors and realizing all the wonder this season has to offer. Myself, I was fortunate enough to have a friend’s young daughter join us for a day of ice fishing, free to all on Family day, and to re-discover the wonder and majesty of the outdoors through a child’s eyes. If fishing the hard water is not exactly your winter activity of choice, how about snow shoeing or skiing as I witnessed many of the lake residents enjoy as I fished?
Whatever your preference, be sure to take this welcome opportunity to enjoy our beautiful Province with loved ones even this time of year.
Your friends at the Kawartha North FHT
Posted by Editor on Feb 25th, 2020 7:38 am
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Let’s Talk…
This year, Bell’s Let’s Talk Day will be on January 29th. For those of you not familiar with it, for that day, Bell will donate 5¢ for every applicable text, call, tweet, social media video view and use of their Facebook frame or Snapchat filter. So what better opportunity to do just that – Talk.
While things have certainly improved, particularly among millennials, there is still a stigma associated with admitting that no one is immune to mental health problems. People across ever social and economic status can experience mental illness and admitting that yours may be one of the families affected is not only not a sign of weakness, but rather a step towards recovery.
Evidence-based treatment including medications and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can be effective to allow people to enjoy their life and resume their personal, academic or professional path. The first step to being able to access such care, however, is to recognize that a problem exists. Often it is helpful for family or friends to reach out to their loved one with an empathetic ear to encourage the conversation. It can be daunting to take the first step and open up, so if you think someone may have an issue, reach out and open the door for conversation.
As always, remember that the best treatment is prevention and this includes taking care of you. There is no better protection of your mental health than exercise, a healthy diet and regular sleep routine. But if you do find yourself in a position where you need additional support, speak to your health care practitioner, call CMHA at 1 (888) 454-8875 or contact a professional counsellor, many of whom are covered under employee benefits and Employee Assistance Programs.
Talking about our mental health should be no different or more shameful than talking about our physical health. None of us would hesitate to admit we have a broken arm, so why do treat the brain as though it is not a part of our body?
Your friends at the Kawartha North FHT
Posted by Editor on Jan 28th, 2020 6:01 am
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Happy New Year….
The last time I wrote about New Year’s resolutions was in 2017, but as we enter a new decade, it seemed a timely subject to revisit.
Making promises as you enter the New Year goes back to the Babylonians over 4000 years ago and is said to have been started by Julius Caesar in honour of the Roman god Janus whose two faces let him look both towards the past and future.
Whilst the types of resolutions have changed over the years, one thing has remained the same; January 1st is seen as a day to reflect and to focus on self-improvement. Unfortunately, as those of us who have ever bought that January gym membership know, making resolutions is a lot easier than keeping them. So how do you keep the promises you have made yourself?
• Keep goals realistic and if necessary, break them out into smaller steps. If your resolution involves the infamous gym, consider going a few times with a friend to get comfortable first rather than jumping in expecting to become a body builder by March.
• Don’t give up the goal if you have one set back. Failing once on changing a habit still puts you ahead of succumbing to the vice daily. So if you broke down and had that extra-large piece of cheesecake or one cigarette – don’t just give up on your goal.
• Know yourself! If you love chocolate more than life, resolving to never eat it again is a sure recipe for failure. Look at allowing yourself small pleasures without overindulging. For you, the resolution may include a square of chocolate each night while watching the news.
• And most importantly, it is about self-improvement, not becoming a new person; start with self-acceptance and find that even better version of you!
So Happy New Year and here is to another decade with the new and improved us.
Your friends at the Kawartha North FHT
Posted by Editor on Jan 9th, 2020 11:11 am
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Have a heart…
Do you know the leading cause of premature death in women? You would be forgiven for thinking it may be cancer related, but it is actually heart disease. In fact, women are five times more likely to die from heart disease than breast cancer.
Whilst long accepted as a largely male concern, one woman dies every 20 minutes in Canada according to the Heart and Stroke Foundation and while men face a greater risk of heart disease at a younger age, women are more likely to die. This may come as a shock to anyone who assumes that Canada’s healthcare system is universal but in fact that is the issue. One size does NOT fit all when it comes to heart disease.
Issues start with diagnosis, continue through recognizing heart attacks and even in treatment modalities. Common diagnostics like the stress test for cardiac output for example has been shown to be far less sensitive for women than men and even more so in younger women. During a heart attack, women often experience symptoms differently than men and therefore ignore many of them. Common ones described by women and unrelated to chest pain include:
• Neck, jaw, shoulder, upper back or abdominal discomfort
• Shortness of breath
• Pain in one or both arms
• Nausea or vomiting
• Sweating
• Light-headedness or dizziness
• Unusual fatigue
• Indigestion
As many of these symptoms may be attributed to influenza or “general malaise” they are often ignored and women tend to show up in emergency rooms or doctors’ offices long after heart damage has occurred or seek no treatment at all. Even once diagnosed, many of the standard treatments have been found to be less beneficial for women and they are referred less often for cardiac rehabilitation than men and are less likely to complete rehab if they are referred.
So we must take matters into our own hands to protect ourselves and our loved ones through education on the risks and symptoms and not ignoring the early warning signs. For more information, visit
Your friends at the Kawartha North FHT
Posted by Editor on Oct 22nd, 2019 9:37 am
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Mark your calendars….
Mash Bash Golf Tournament at Eganridge and gala dinner at the Lakeview Arts Barn is celebrating its 7th Year of supporting the Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls Walk in clinics on Saturday September 7th.
Our Mash Bash gala event includes 9 holes of golf, cart included, scramble format, either morning or afternoon starts. This fun filled day includes lunch at the beautiful Eganridge patio and our gala evening event that continues with drinks, appetizers, prime rib dinner, live and silent auction, balloon pops and professional live music in the evening at the picturesque Lakeview Arts Barn.
There is space for 120 golfers; we are already over 50% sold, so act quickly to guarantee your spot.
There is a choice of morning golf @ 8:30, or an afternoon shotgun start @ 1pm. The cost is $250.00 per couple, $130.00 per single and includes the gala dinner event at Lakeview Arts Barn. We encourage people to put together their own foursome if possible, but we are happy to have people sign up as couples or singles as well.
Gala Evening Event; A great evening out
Tickets are available for people who only want to attend the
the gala dinner event at LAB and tickets are only $60.00. This includes drinks, appetizers, prime rib dinner, live and silent auction, balloon pops and professional live music.
The walk In Clinics are not financially supported by the government
The KNFHT walk in clinics are in their 9th year providing essential service primary health care to over 3000 patients a year. These clinics are not financially supported by the government and are funded 100% by donation.
The clinics are open to everyone in the community and are run in Bobcaygeon, 100 East Street South on Tuesday and Thursday from 4pm – 7pm and in Fenelon Falls at Pharmasave on Fridays from 9am-noon
Over the years, MASH BASH has raised over $150,000 to help keep the Kawartha North Family Health Team Walk In Clinics providing excellent medical care to the Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls communities.
For more information and to purchase tickets please feel free to contact Missy Degeer, 705-738-1112
For more information on this exciting event please contact Hector Campbell, 705-731-0274
Posted by Editor on Jul 30th, 2019 8:44 am
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Sing like no one is listening….
If you are one of the millions of Canadians who enjoy singing in the shower, keep it up!
While you may have heard of some of the benefits associated with singing such as its mental health impacts which have been linked to reducing depression and lowering stress levels, other benefits might surprise you.
One little known finding may not only benefit you, but also your partner. According to one recent article, experts believe that singing works to strengthen throat and palate muscles which can reduce snoring and sleep apnea, improving both of your sleep. Aside from the throat, singing can also strengthen the diaphragm and stimulates overall circulation as you pull in more oxygen while singing than during many forms of exercise. Studies at the University of Frankfurt even showed that singing boosted the immune system and if you practice correct singing techniques you will be forced to stand up straighter to allow your chest cavity to expand which will serve to improve your posture.
Of course if you take it one step further and opt to sing with others, it can also serve to let you meet new people and boost your confidence. But if all of the health benefits are not enough for you, why not simply sing because it makes us happy? There is a reason it has been an age old tradition during times of trouble to carry us through and during happy times as part of celebration.
So take a deep breath and sing!
Your friends at the Kawartha North FHT
Posted by Editor on Jul 18th, 2019 6:59 am
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